Amazon Preparing for Shipment Status: All You Need to Know

Hey there, Shopper!

Are you looking for the meaning of “Amazon Preparing For Shipment” status on your Amazon Order? 

Here are the complete details on what it means, how long it will last, how to check your delivery status, and everything in between. 

What does “Amazon Preparing for Shipment” Mean?

Are you eagerly waiting for a package from Amazon only to see the status stuck on “Preparing for Shipment“? 

Don’t worry; you’re not alone. I have faced this a dozen times and know it is frustrating. If you are a customer on Amazon and have bought something recently, I am sure you have seen the message pop-up that says Preparing For Shipment on Amazon. 

But what does it mean? When will your order be shipped? When can you expect your package to be delivered? 

These are the questions that I am going to answer here. 

Alright, let’s start with the basics. When you place an order on Amazon, your order is registered through Amazon for the seller. Once your payment status is verified, the seller packs your package and sends it out for delivery through an Amazon delivery service. 

The “Amazon Preparing for Shipmentindicates that your order has been received and processed and is now being prepared to be shipped from the fulfillment center to your doorstep. Think of it as your package getting ready to be sent out for you. 

Simply put, it is the time between registering your order and when it is successfully shipped. 

But if you look up on the internet, you will find that thousands of customers complain about this Amazon Preparing For Shipment status. 

Why so?

Well, the truth is that any and all processes, such as packaging, customs duties, registrations, or anything else in general, are ambiguous and can be delayed due to mishaps, packaging mistakes, shortages of materials, or anything of that sort. 

Now, the whole process may take a few hours or days, depending on all the factors that I stated above. 

So, if you are shown Amazon Preparing For Shipment, you can expect your order to be prepared for transit and passed through the early delivery stages. 

Reason For Amazon Preparing for Shipment Status

Now, you might be wondering why your order gets stuck in this “Preparing for Shipment” status. Well, there could be several reasons behind it, such as: 

  1. Inventory Availability: One common reason for the “Preparing for Shipment” status is that the item you ordered may not be readily available in the fulfillment center. This could occur if the item is temporarily out of stock or needs to be sourced from another location.
  2. Quality Checks: Before your order is shipped, it undergoes various quality checks and inspections to ensure that it meets Amazon’s standards. This process can take time, especially if the item requires thorough examination or testing, such as fragile objects, books, etc.
  3. Packaging Delays: Another reason for the “Preparing for Shipment” status is that your order is carefully packaged to ensure it arrives safely and intact. This includes selecting the appropriate packaging materials, labeling the package, and securing it for transit.
  4. Formalities of Order Processing: Your order may also spend some time in the “Preparing for Shipment” status as it goes through the final processing stages. This includes verifying payment information, updating the order status, generating shipping labels, and ensuring the order is shipped.
  5. High Volume of Orders: During peak seasons or sales events, such as Black Friday or Cyber Monday, Amazon’s fulfillment centers may experience a surge in orders. This increased volume can delay processing and preparing orders for shipment, leading to wait times longer for the “Preparing for Shipment” status to be completed.
  6. Technical Issues and Mishaps: While the package may be ready, no one can foresee a mishap, like a power shortage or a lack of inventory. In cases like that, your order may be stuck in the Amazon Preparing For Shipment status. 

After completing your shipment process you can find whole sale suppliers in easiest way, How? For that visit our detail article.

For How Long Does Amazon Preparing for Shipment Status Last?

Now, the most important question! 

The duration for which your order stays in the “Preparing for Shipment” status can vary depending on various factors, such as the item’s availability, the shipping method selected, and the efficiency of the fulfillment center. 

In general, it shouldn’t take too long; orders are processed within a few hours to a few days, depending on the item you bought and its availability. But if you find your order stuck for an unusually extended period, it’s always a good idea to contact Amazon customer support for clarification.

Most of the time, Amazon duly fulfills all orders within the expected delivery time, which they display beforehand when you place your order, but you can always contact their customer service and enquire about your order if need be. 

But if you are a Prime member, you can expect your order to be processed and delivered much faster than normal customers on Amazon. 

A normal Amazon customer can expect a delivery between 2-7 days while a Prime member gets the same between 1-3 days max. 

Amazon Delivery Status: What Do They Mean?

To have a crystal clear idea about Amazon delivery services, here is all you need to know about Amazon Delivery Statuses. There are five steps to complete an order and deliver it on Amazon.

  1. Order Placed: This means your order has been successfully registered on Amazon. 
  2. Preparing For Shipment: Your order is being processed. 
  3. Order Shipped: The courier service has successfully picked up your order. 
  4. Out For Delivery: Your order has reached your nearest Amazon fulfillment point and is out for delivery to the address you provided via a local courier. 
  5. Order Delivered: This means your order has reached your destination and has been delivered. 

How to Check Amazon Delivery Status? 

If you want to check your Amazon delivery status to understand which stage your order is at, This is what you have to do: 

Step 1: Visit Amazon and login to your Amazon account. 


Step 2: Go to Accounts and Lists and Select the Your Order option. 


Step 3: Press on the item you want to check the status. 

Step 4: Here, you will find the Order Status and the Expected Delivery Date. 

Step 5: If you want to know where your order is, scroll to the Tracking information and Press See All Updates. There, you will find the exact location of your courier. 


That’s it.

If you curious to know when did your order arrive read our detailed article on How much time it take to deliver when you placed your order.

Difference Between Amazon Preparing for Shipment vs Shipped 

If you are confused about the difference between “Preparing for Shipment” and “Shipped,” here is a simple explanation. 

Preparing for Shipment” means your order is being processed and prepared for dispatch, “Shipped” indicates that your package has left the fulfillment center and is en route to its destination. 

In other words, “Preparing for Shipment” comes before “Shipped” in the delivery process. After your order is shipped, it will soon be out for delivery. 

How to Contact Amazon Customer Service for Preparing For Shipment Issue? 

Still, if you are facing issues with any of your orders, you can ask Amazon for help this Way. 

Step 1: Login to your Amazon account. 


Step 2: If you are on a desktop, scroll down to the bottom to find the Help section or if you are on your phone, Go to Your Menu. 

amazon help

Step 3: Press on Customer Service


Step 4: Click on the Your Order option to get all your order information. Or Select the options “Chat with Us” or “Talk To Us” to be one-on-one customer service on Amazon regarding any issue you face. 

Amazon your order

It is simple and is available 24*7. 


So, that’s it friends, that all you need to know about the Preparing for Shipment Status on Amazon, why it happens and how long you can expect it to stay. I would suggest you to have some patience and wait for a few days, but if the status is not updated in the right time for delivery, you should contact Amazon’s customer service

Until Next Time!

Happy Shopping Folks. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How long does it take for preparing for shipment on Amazon?

Usually Preparing For Shipment is time taken by Amazon to process your order before dispatch, it can take around a few hours to a few days depending on your order and its availability. 

Can you cancel order while preparing for shipment?

Yes, you can cancel your order while it is in the preparing for shipment status on Amazon. However once it is out of delivery, you cannot cancel it. 

What is the meaning of preparing for shipment? 

Amazon preparing for shipment means that your order has been successfully placed and is now being processed by the seller and Amazons fulfilment centers to be shipped out for delivery to your given address. 

What is preparing for shipped vs not yet shipped?

The delivery status of preparing for shipment means that your order has not yet been shipped but is in the processing stages and will be shipped as time soon. 

How do you solve Amazon preparing for shipment stuck for days?

If your order has been stuck in the delivery stage of preparing for shipment for an unusual amount of time you can simply contact Amazon’s 24*7 customer service and get all the information regarding your order. 

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